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Bollard Street Limited
Wheatlea Road, Marus Bridge
Wigan, Lancashire

Taco Bell – Robin Leisure Park

Case Study


Taco Bell – Robin Leisure Park

Project Overview:

The Mexican fast food restaurant joined Pizza Hut, Club 3000 Bingo and JD Gym among others at Robin Park.

Bollard Street were contacted by the contractor to supply the bollards for the site. The Architect had opted for stainless steel bollards as they are sleek, sturdy, reliable, and they’re built to withstand extreme impact providing safety for pedestrians and building structures from moving vehicles. The requirement was for classic straight bollards around the perimeter of the building with cranked bollards serving as protection to the order points and hatches in the drive-thou area. All supplied with yellow reflective banding. There was also a requirement for cycle stands to allow staff and customers alike to secure their cycles but in keeping with the rest of the street furniture.

Products supplied included: